A-Z of Conditions

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A widespread scaly eruption affecting any area of the body and often running in families Psoriasis is a common condition with an inherited susceptibility in which the exact cause remains unknown. It is not a skin infection and cannot be 'caught by' close contact. Psoriasis is not associated with any internal abnormality of the body. […]

Pubic Lice

Commonly known as crabs - tiny insects affecting the hairs of the body. Commonly known as 'crabs' These are tiny insects that live on human hair and can affect various body sites including the genital area. They can be quite difficult to see and can cause quite a nasty itchy rash. They are contagious and […]

Pyogenic Granuloma

'- A rapidly growing fragile and bleeding pink/purple nodule. A rapidly growing fragile and bleeding pink/purple nodule. This condition appears very rapidly and grows as a pink pea-shaped raised skin lump. Minor injury is possibly the cause of these and pregnancy can predispose as well. They tend to bleed easily because they are in fact […]


Pemphigoid/Pemphigus - rare conditions of the skin causing unexplained blisters Pemphigus Pemphigoid/Pemphigus - rare conditions of the skin causing unexplained blisters and due to an internal immune disease requiring specialist assessment and treatment. Now is the time to consider a consultation with our dermatology specialist. by Dr John Ashworh

Photo Sensitivity

Means an irritation by sunlight or an exaggerated tendency to very easy sunburn. An exaggerated tendency to easy sunburn This refers to a situation where the sufferer is unduly sensitive to sunshine and can come out in either a red rash or even a severe eczema only at the sites of sunshine exposure. For example, […]

Pityriasis Rosea

A widespread rapidly developing skin eruption sometimes resembling psoriasis. A widespread rapidly developing skin eruption sometimes resembling psoriasis. This is a common condition which is thought to be due to a viral infection. Patients develop a widespread , slightly scaly rash which can look like either eczema or psoriasis. The clue to this condition is […]

Pityriasis Versicolor

A non-troublesome widespread eruption usually on the upper body and around the armpits. This eruption is more common in warm climates or on sunny holidays. It is caused by a yeast growing on the skin in warm conditions and causing discolouration of the skin (sometimes paler, sometimes darker). The condition is sometimes mis-diagnosed as eczema […]


A blistering kind of eczema typically affecting the palms of the hands or the soles of the feet. A blistering kind of eczema typically affecting the palms of the hands or the soles of the feet. On the palms and soles blisters starting off as tiny pin heads but then merging together into much larger […]


The medical term for "itch" - there are very many causes. The medical term for "itch" - there are very many causes. Many specific skin disease cause itch but there is a particular kind of itch that is worthy of special mention and that is generalised itchiness of the skin with no obvious rash to […]
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