Lichen Planus

Consult with Dr John Ashworth Now

An itchy skin rash which can mimick any of the common diseases - eczema, psoriasis, scabies, etc.

An itchy skin rash which can mimick any of the common diseases - eczema, psoriasis, scabbies, etc.

This condition affects many other body areas including the inside of the mouth but also can cause a widespread eruption of lichen planus. In the genital area it can sometimes be isolated – that is, the genital area can be the only body area involved and this can create some diagnostic confusion. The condition is not infectious but can be difficult to recognise in the genital area and often requires specialist advice.

Lichen planus is very itchy and requires urgent treatment to surpress irrritation. An expert consultation is available here.

by Dr John Ashworh

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